Welcome to my website

My name is Martina Gutierrez, and I’m a first-year student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I’m an international student, originally from Bolivia and Germany, but I grew up in Ghana, Tanzania, and South Africa. I have chosen to pursuit majors in both Business Administration and Media and Journalism with a concentration in advertising and public relations. I hope that this education will successfully set me up to pursue a career in sports marketing or management in the future. These are two fields that I have been very interested in for a long time and something I’m genuinely passionate for.

Outside the academic sphere, my biggest passion and hobby is sports. I grew up immersed in all the sports you could think of, but through high school, I was a three-sport varsity athlete in soccer, basketball, and volleyball. I highly value an all-around education so I was also the marketing president of the high school newspaper, the president of the Service Learning Executive Council, the founder and co-president of the senior council, and the Deputy-Secretary General of the Johannesburg Model United Nations in South Africa.

“If You want something you’ve never had, you’ll have to do something you’ve never done.”